how charged is your battery?
Support your family to embrace energy accounting and work toward a sustainable life.
What’s your different?
Bring the important concepts of inclusion and neurodiversity into your classroom.
Some of my favourite things
Recommended Books
- “The Brain Forest” by Sandhya Menon
- “The Rainbow Brain” by Sandhya Menon
- “When My Brain is Messy” by Tania Wieclaw
- “Just Right for You” by Melanie Heyworth
- “Some Brains” by Nelly Thomas
- “Square Me, Round World” by Chelsea Luker
- “Square Me, Round World” by Chelsea Luker
- “A Different Sort of Normal” by Abigail Balfe
- “The Awesome Autistic Go-To Guide” by Yenn Purkis
- “Different, Not Less” by Chloe Hayden
- “Different, Not Less” by Chloe Hayden
- “Unmasking Autism” by Devon Price
- “Your Child Is Not Broken” by Heidi Mavir
- “Supporting Autistic Girls and Gender-Diverse Youth” by Yellow Ladybugs
- “The Explosive Child” and “Lost at School” by Ross Greene
- “I Will Die On This Hill – Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World” by Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards
- “We’re all Neurodiverse” by Sonny Jane Wise
Recommended Podcasts
The Yellow Ladybugs Podcast
The Neurodivergent Woman Podcast
Exploring Neurodiversity
Divergent Conversations
Differently Brained
ADHD Her Way
Recommended Video/Articles (Autism-Focused)
Free online course by Reframing Autism: “Autism Essentials”
“It’s a Spectrum doesn’t mean what you think”
“A Manifesto for Allies Adopting an Acceptance Approach to Autism”
Website (exploring PDA presentation of autism)
“Milton’s ‘Double Empathy Problem’: A summary for non-academics”
“Why Everything you know about Autism is wrong”
“How to talk about Autism respectfully”
“How to respond empathetically to sensory sensitivities”
Recommended Video/Articles (ADHD-Focused)
Youtube Channel: How to ADHD
Failing at Normal: An ADHD success story, Jessica McCabe, TEDx Talk
“ADHD In Girls: How to recognise the symptoms”
Additude Mag
(Note: some resources on this website are based on the medical-model approach to neurodivergence.)